Writing my way through the school year!

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I came across this topic in my Edubloggers LinkedIn group, added a comment, and then decided to look it up to gain full insight into what was being asked of Chicago’s teachers. You know, and I know, if it happens to teachers in one state, it can happen in ours!
When I taught Headstart in the 80’s, we used to make home visits. A child’s living conditions provide great insight into a child’s life.  I am sure it also makes the parent more comfortable because you are on their “turf.”  However, in this day and age, I feel home visits, no matter the socioeconomic status of the students, could turn into a dangerous situation for teachers. People tend to react violently to the smallest grievance, who will protect the teachers in these homes?
At the time  Jean-Claude Brizard and Rahm Emanuel  came up with this idea, they had not spoken to any educators.   I’m not surprised.
How do you feel about home visits?
Are home visits required where you work?
How does that work, is it a benefit?
Are home visits practiced in other countries?

Comments on: "Coming Soon to Your Public School? “Home Visits”" (2)

  1. Home visits are purely voluntary . They are even more scarce nowadays because of safety issues. I don’t know when you could visit as a regular Ed teacher.

    • Not in the inner city or maybe anywhere. The general public doesn’t have that reverence for educators the way they used to. The school social workers still make house visits but they are looked at as more supportive than teachers. Good thought though.

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