Writing my way through the school year!

Archive for June 12, 2012

AND….I’M OFF! ( Summer “Vacation?”)

Today was the last day for the 2011 – 2012 school year! Yeah! Boo! As always, it was bittersweet. I will miss this group, their laughter, creativity,and  goodwill. I won’t miss all the testing, micromanaging, etc…, although I know it awaits me in the near future.

BUT… what will I do with my time off? A colleague told me to do things that I enjoy, no work!  But it is so hard for me to abide by that, because I will be “working”, at least by her standards. I will be involved in things that have to do with school, and I can’t help myself. I ENJOY learning new ways to teach, especially edtech,  and introduce the curriculum to my students. (So, I guess I am abiding partially).

I LOVE discussing and sharing ideas with my wonderful PLN on Twitter, Linkedin, my blog Facebook page, any place, anywhere, anything education.

I anticipate growing my PLN, and learning innovative ideas that I can now take my time and explore. I will read Zite, blogs, education articles, and Facebook pages, and share on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. I will post my teacher thoughts, opinions, and lessons throughout the summer.

A  friend of mine described me as a “teacher’s teacher” after we attended an education conference on a Saturday. Yes, (gasp), a Saturday! But, she loved it, and we learned so much.

I already have two webinars scheduled for tomorrow. One is for Nearpod, an Ipad app for interactive multimedia presentations. The other is Edmodo, a secure social learning network for teachers and students. Nearpod is new to me. However, I have used  Edmodo in my classroom for two years, but they keep adding stuff, and I don’t want to miss anything! I know these won’t be the last two for the summer. 🙂 Lifelong learner!

There are so many teachers like me, who “work” during the summer. The “work” is a way to leisurely explore new ways to engage our students. Tons of teachers don’t see it as a chore, but as something fun!

I do enjoy my summer. I don’t do summer school, and I do not attend any district workshops.  My summertime is my time, and I want to be able to delve deeply into what I choose, not the mandated stuff. (Except this year I will check  out Common Core). I travel, go to the beach, work on my novel, have barbeques, hang out with friends and family, and even enjoy a glass or two of wine on my deck.  But I am not going to feel guilty about indulging my passion for teaching, even when I’m supposed to be off! 🙂