Writing my way through the school year!


Sometimes they need to know, that we know, that they are capable. Sometimes they need to know, that we know, that they are capable of so much more than what they might exhibit.


We switch classes for Literature Circles (Book Club), whatever you want to call it. I call it, “Let them read, and enjoy  a book time.” The kids in one group were asked to write a brief prediction about their story before they started.READ MORE..




Comments on: "Sometimes They Need to Let Us Know, That They Know…" (2)

  1. Hey! This is awesome. Kids remember this kind of thing forever. You are an amazing teacher for putting in the extra time and care to raise the bar. It is inspiring for other teachers to hear your story. There is a program called Who Is NOBODY? that I think you’d love http://www.whoisnobody.com – I’ve been using it for a few years (it’s reusable) because it gives teachers a chance to empower students to experience how much more they are capable of than they think! Who Is NOBODY? supports kids in discovering their strengths and then using them to help others. It is set up by DVD and self-running. The quick video on the program home page says more than I can type but you just seem like a like-minded teacher who would have so much fun running it! Congrats on all the ways you inspire kids – they are lucky to have you! 🙂 Kelly

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